miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019


"Every February, across the country, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St Valentine". Answer to these questions and learn more things about this day:

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1. When is Valentine's day?

2. What are the origins or Valentine's day?

3. Who do people in the USA send Valentine Cards to?

4. What do people exchange on Valentine's day?

5. What is a Valentine?

6. According to one legend, Valentine sent the first Valentine greeting himself, who did he send it to?

7. According to the greeting card association, how many Valentine cards are sent each year?

8 Write 3 ways to say  "I love you" in different languages:

9. Choose your favourtie Valentine's day quotation and write it down

                                            Resultado de imagen de happy st valentine day

Treasure hunt taken and adapted from:  

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