martes, 18 de junio de 2019

1st of ESO


In order to prepare the new school year here you have some very difficult homework:

Take photos of the things you do on your holidays!!!

In September prepare power point presentation with some of the photos and headings to tell your teacher and partners on your first day about your summer holidays. In that way your new teacher will know about you and your English. 

Do your best!!!



  -  Listen to songs. You can visit and work with the lyrics. 

   Watch TV. There are very interesting documentaries, funny series, shows, films which you can watch in English. 

  Read magazines and newspaper in English. There are some which are online.The BBC has great things you can read and listen, and also activities you can do in

 - If you have the chance, meet English speaking people and chat with them.

Imagen relacionada

2nd and 3rd of ESO


Hi everybody!!           

In order to prepare the new school year here you have some very difficult homework:

Read at least one book OR watch at least one film in English         

Imagen relacionada

In September prepare a power point – Prezi presentation with some photos and headings to tell your teacher and partners on your first day about a book you’ve read or a film you’ve watched. In that way your new English teacher will know about you and your English. Do your best!!!

The English Department teachers hope you have a FANTASTIC and RELAXING SUMMER!!!

Resultado de imagen de relaxing summer

1st Bachillerato: Listening skills practice

Resultado de imagen de listening

Hi 1st Bachillerato students!!

Here you have some webpages to practise and improve your listening skills for your school studies and your future English exams. 


In each webpage, there are activities for different levels, so find your level and make a start!!

Have an awesome summer!!! 

Resultado de imagen de summer great