In February this year we celebrated the bicentenary of Charles Dickens' birth. Bachillerato students read a book by him : David Copperfield and Great Expectations.
ESO students worked on his life and his books.They learnt that Dickens did more than anyone to portray Victorian London. Many Victorian children were poor and worked to help their families. Few people thought this strange or cruel. Families got no money unless they worked and most people thought work was good for children. The Industrial Revolution created new jobs in factories and mines. Many of these jobs were at frist done by children, because children were cheap - a child was paid less than adults.
But later the students were able to know that 200 years later Child Labour is still happening in many countries around the world and they worked on what kind of jobs children do and what countries make children work.
Now we want you to know a bit more on this topic and give your opinion. Watch these two documentaries:
Child Labour in the Victorian England